
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Los Altos ESD
March 12, 2018 7:00PM
District Office Board Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos Closed Session - 5:30 PM -- Open Session - 7:00 PM

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Anyone wishing to address the Board of Trustees regarding the closed session agenda may do so at this time.
C. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSIONConfidential agenda item.
C.1. Anticipated LitigationConfidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) (one case). (Discussion)
C.2. Conference with Labor NegotiatorsConfidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations pursuant to Government Code section 54957.8 Agency Designated Representatives: Jeffrey Baier, Superintendent and Randall Kenyon, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Employee Organization: Los Altos Teachers Association (Discussion)
C.3. Public Employee Performance EvaluationConfidential agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Title: Superintendent (Discussion)
D.1. Pledge of Allegiance
D.2. Agenda Approval
D.3. Closed Session Report
D.4. Superintendent's Update
E.1. Oak School
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Representatives from Oak School will share information on the evolution of their 4th grade California mission project. (Mr. Baier) [15 minutes - Discussion]
Quick Summary / Abstract:
All matters listed under Consent are considered to be routine and will be approved in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, items may be removed for separate consideration.
F.1. Minutes of the February 12, 2018 Regular Meeting
A. Board Minutes - 02/12/18
B. Board Minutes - 02/12/18 (Approved)
F.2. Resolution #17/18-21, Lincoln Holiday Date Change
A. Resolution #17/18-21
F.3. Resolution #17/18-22, Budget Adjustments
A. Resolution #17/18-22
F.4. Surplus Technology Equipment
A. Surplus Technology Equipment
F.5. Personnel Actions
A. Personnel Actions
G.1. Mrs. Elizabeth Leach, Los Altos Teachers Association
G.2. Mrs. Sue Wood, California School Employees Association
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This time is reserved for citizens and employees to address the board on items that are not on the agenda. Community members wishing to address the board are allotted up to three (3) minutes per speaker. The board and administration welcome this opportunity to listen; however, the board is not permitted to discuss or take action on non-agenda items, except to instruct the superintendent to review the matter further, report back to the board at a subsequent meeting or place the matter on a future agenda. The board may make a brief comment or ask clarifying questions. (Government Code section 54954.2)
I.1. Solar Lighting Update
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Mr. Kenyon will provide an update on the lighting issues from the new solar panels at a few of our schools. (Mr. Kenyon) [20 minutes - Discussion]
I.2. Winter Student Data Update
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Mrs. McGonagle and Mr. Drummond will present winter data from our local assessments in reading and math. (Mrs. McGonagle) [25 minutes - Discussion]
A. Presentation - Winter Academic Performance Review
B. Winter Academic Performance Review
I.3. Summer School Program Update
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Mrs. McGonagle and Mr. Drummond will provide an update on the 2018 Summer School Program. (Mrs. McGonagle) [20 minutes - Discussion]
A. Presentation - Summer Programs 2018
I.4. 2nd Interim Financial Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Mr. Kenyon will present the 2017-18 2nd Interim Financial Report for review and approval. (Mr. Kenyon) [10 minutes - Action]
A. Presentation - 2nd Interim Report
B. 2017-18 2nd Interim Report
I.5. Proposition 39 Energy Grant Project
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will consider approving implementation plans for the Proposition 39 Energy Grant Project. (Mr. Kenyon) [20 minutes - Action]
A. Presentation - Prop 39 Energy Grants
I.6. Egan Roof Project
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will consider approving the Egan two-story building roof replacement project slated for the upcoming summer. (Mr. Kenyon) [20 minutes - Action]
A. Presentation - Egan Roof Project
I.7. Actuarial Valuation of Retiree Health Benefits Liability
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Mr. Kenyon will present the most recent actuarial study of our liability for future retiree health benefits. (Mr. Kenyon) [10 minutes - Discussion]
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 75 requires school districts to account for any retiree health benefits liability (referred to as Other Post-Employment Benefits - OPEB). As part of that requirement we must obtain an actuarial valuation of our liability and update that valuation every two years. Enclosed is the most recent valuation as of July 2017 performed by North Bay Pensions. The report helps us determine how much to set aside each year for future payments to retirees. This report is information only - there is no action required. The information contained in the report is used in our annual financial report.
A. Presentation - Actuarial Valuation of Retiree Health Benefits
B. GASB 75 Valuation Report
I.8. 2017-18 Negotiating Interests for Los Altos School District and California School Employees Association Chapter 103
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The negotiating interests for CSEA will be shared. The Board of Trustees will also review and consider approving the district's negotiating interests with CSEA. (Mr. Baier) [10 minutes - Action]
A. CSEA Initial Interests
B. LASD Initial Interests
I.9. Public Hearing on Developer Fees
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on a proposed increase in developer fees pursuant to Education Code section 17620 and Government Code section 65995. (Mr. Kenyon) [5 minutes - Discussion]
Every two years the State Allocation Board (SAB) is authorized to adjust the maximum developer fee amounts based on a measure of inflation. In January the SAB took action to increase the maximum that districts can collect. We have been charging the maximum allowable under state law and, in order to continue to do so, the board needs to adopt Resolution #17/18-24. Prior to adopting the resolution, however, the board is required to hold a public hearing to receive any public comment.
I.10. Resolution #17/18-24, Increase in Developer Fees
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will consider approving a resolution increasing school facilities as authorized by Education Code section 17620 and Government Code section 65995. (Mr. Kenyon) [5 minutes - Action]
A. Resolution #17/18-24
B. Developer Fee Study Addendum
I.11. 10th Site Advisory Task Force
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Mr. Baier will provide a progress update on the establishment of the 10th Site Advisory Task Force, review membership expectations and open government compliance. (Mr. Baier) [15 minutes - Action]
A. Site Advisory Task Force
I.12. Thoughtexchange Contract Approval
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will consider approving a contract with Thoughtexchange. (Mr. Baier) [20 minutes - Action]
LASD strives to ensure success for all students. This objective is evident in both the district's mission to "inspire a passion for learning and prepare all K-8 students to thrive in our rapidly changing global community" and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), designed to further focus on district goals and accelerate the success of all students. Accommodating student enrollment has been an ongoing challenge for LASD. With the acquisition of a tenth school site, leadership is in the process of determining the use of the site so as to optimize the district's ability to provide an equitable and excellent education for all students. The LASD Board of Trustees will make this determination with input from the Site Advisory Task Force, a team comprised of various stakeholders. The task force will analyze the benefits of several identified options for the site. As LASD determines the best use of the newly acquired site, leadership is exploring opportunities to enhance communication with its stakeholders. Community engagement will also support the district to inform long term goals and other critical decisions in the future.
A. Thoughtexchange Contract
I.13. 2018 CSBA Delegate Assembly Election
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will consider casting a vote to fill four vacancies on the CSBA Assembly. (Mr. Baier) [10 minutes - Action]
The Santa Clara County, Region 20, CSBA Delegate Assembly has four vacancies for 2018. The board has a whole may vote for up to the number of vacancies (4) in the region as indicated on the ballot. A biographical sketch and a resume, if submitted, for each candidate is included.
A. CSBA Delegation Assembly Election
I.14. 2018-19 Board Meeting Calendar
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will review and consider approving the 2018-19 Board Meeting Calendar. (Mr. Baier) [5 minutes - Action]
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended the Board approves the 2018-19 Regular Board Meeting Calendar as presented.
Each year, following the adoption of the District School Year Calendar, the Board considers approval of the Regular Board Meeting Calendar. Attached is a recommended draft of the 2018-19 Regular Board Meeting Calendar. It generally follows a second and fourth Monday pattern of meetings as we have done this year.
A. Draft 2018-19 Board Meeting Calendar
I.15. Resolution #17/18-23, Demanding Federal Gun Control Action to Prevent Death and Injury
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board of Trustees will consider approving a resolution demanding action on gun control. (Mr. Baier) [10 minutes - Action]
A. Resolution #17/18-23
Quick Summary / Abstract:
This time is for the administration and board to report on non-agenda items such as committee reports, school activities, legislation and future agendas.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
• Gardner Bullis School Presentation
Disability Information:
Individuals with disabilities attending this meeting who are in need of special accommodations should call the Superintendent’s Office (650-947-1152) at least two days prior to the meeting date to make special arrangements.

Published: March 9, 2018, 3:52 PM

The resubmit was successful.