Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Los Altos ESD January 13, 2020 7:00PM District Office Board Room
201 Covington Road, Los Altos
Closed Session - 6:30 PM -- Open Session - 7:00 PM
Anyone wishing to address the Board of Trustees regarding the closed session agenda may do so at this time. |
Representatives from Gardner Bullis School will share information on how they are building community across grade levels.
(Mr. Baier) [15 minutes - Discussion] |
All matters listed under Consent are considered to be routine and will be approved in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, items may be removed for separate consideration. |
This time is reserved for the public to address the Board of Trustees on items not on the agenda. Community members wishing to address the board are allotted up to three (3) minutes per speaker. The board and administration welcome this opportunity to listen; however, the board is not permitted to discuss or take action on non-agenda items, except to instruct the superintendent to review the matter further, report back to the board at a subsequent meeting or place the matter on a future agenda. The board may make a brief comment or ask clarifying questions. (Government Code section 54954.2) |
A representative from Terra Verde, the district’s energy consultants, will provide an overview of the solar project’s performance over the last year.
(Mr. Kenyon) [10 minutes - Discussion] |
A. FY18-19 Solar Report
Staff will provide an overview of key facilities issues, including an update on the newly acquired school site.
(Mr. Kenyon) [30 minutes - Discussion] |
A. Presentation - 10th Site Update
CSBA periodically advises districts of recommended changes in board policies, administrative regulations and board bylaws as a means to assist boards in keeping their policies current and reflecting all recent changes in law and regulations. The Board of Trustees will review the updated wording for this policy.
(Mr. Baier) [5 minutes - Discussion] |
This item is for information only. |
The policies of the Los Altos School District are influenced by federal, state, and local policies, statutes, and court decisions. In order to keep our policies current with the ongoing changes affecting our policies, the California School Boards Association (CSBA) periodically advises districts of recommended changes in board policies, administrative regulations and board bylaws as a means to assist boards in keeping their policies current and reflecting the changes in those laws and regulations. The Board of Trustees will review the updated wording for this board policy. This is a first reading of the updated policy. Approval will occur at a future meeting. |
A. BP/AR 5132, Student Dress and Grooming
This time is for the administration and board to report on non-agenda items such as committee reports, school activities, legislation and future agendas. |
• Santa Rita School Presentation
• Community Engagement Final Report
• Facilities Master Plan Update
• Audited Financial Report
• 2020-21 Preliminary Budget
• CACF Mid-Year Report |
Individuals with disabilities attending this meeting who are in need of special accommodations should call the Superintendent’s Office (650-947-1152) at least two days prior to the meeting date to make special arrangements. |
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Published: January 10, 2020, 12:16 PM
The resubmit was successful.