
Regular Board Meeting
Los Gatos Un. ESD
December 14, 2021 3:00PM
3:00 Closed Session District Office 17010 Roberts Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 and 4:00 Regular Session R.J. Fisher Middle School - Multipurpose Room 19195 Fisher Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032

A. CALL TO ORDER (3:00 p.m.)
A.1. Roll Call
A.2. Approval/Amendment of the Closed Session Agenda
A.3. Public Comment on Closed Session
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Governing Board on any Closed Session item described in this notice. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the published agenda, there shall be no action taken. The Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda.

B.1. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release pursuant to Government Code §54957Confidential agenda item.
B.2. Conference with Labor Negotiators Sarah Tellez, Terese McNamee and Superintendent Paul Johnson Regarding Negotiations with LGETA and LGUCEA pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 Confidential agenda item.
C.1. Roll Call
C.2. Election of Officers: President
C.3. Election of Officers: Clerk
C.4. Appointment of Superintendent as Authorized Agent and Secretary to the Board
C.5. Appointment of Board Representative to Vote for County Committee on School District Organization and to Act as County School Boards Association Representative (1)
C.6. Appointment of Board Representatives to the Financial Advisory Committee (2)
C.7. Appointment of Board Liaison Committees: Home & School Club Council (1), Town Liaisons (2), Los Gatos Education Foundation (2), Los Gatos Elementary Teachers Association (2), Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association (2), LGUSD Schools (5) and Los Gatos High School (2) Developer Liaisons (2), COVID Response Liaisons (2)
C.8. Recognition of Outgoing Board President, Stephen Parsons
D.1. Flag Salute
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An R.J. Fisher Middle School student will lead the flag salute.
D.2. Report Out of Closed Session
D.3. Approval/Amendment of Agenda
D.4. Public Comment
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Governing Board on any item described in this notice or any other issue. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the published agenda, there shall be no action taken. The Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda.

D.5. Remarks & Communication
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This is the opportunity for community partners listed below to provide an update to the Governing Board regarding their respective organization. In accordance with the Brown Act, the Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda.

• Home & School Club - Blossom Hill Elementary School

• Home & School Club - Daves Avenue Elementary School

• Home & School Club - Lexington Elementary School

• Home & School Club - Louise Van Meter Elementary School

• Home & School Club - R.J. Fisher Middle School

• Los Gatos Elementary Teachers Association

• Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association

• Los Gatos Education Foundation

D.6. Superintendent's Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Information concerning the consent items listed below has been forwarded to each Board member prior to the meeting for study. All items on the consent agenda will be approved with one motion which is not debatable and which requires unanimous vote for passage. If any member of the Board, the Superintendent, or the public so requests, an item shall be removed from the section and placed on the regular order of business following the approval of the consent agenda.
E.1. Minutes
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The minutes for the Regular Board meeting, November 18, 2021 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the minutes as presented.
Recommended Motion:

It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the minutes as presented.

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact at this time.

Minutes 111821 121421rev
E.2. Warrant Register
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The warrant register for the month of November 2021 is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the warrant register for the payment of invoices for goods and services as presented.

Recommended Motion:

It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the warrant register for the payment of invoices for goods and services as presented.

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact at this time.

November AP Warrant Register
E.3. Service Contracts
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The service contracts as of 12/14/21 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the service contracts for the payment of services as presented.

Recommended Motion:

The service contracts as of 12/14/21 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the service contracts for the payment of services as presented.

Financial Impact:

Financial impact is outlined by each contract.

December Service Contracts
E.4. Personnel Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The personnel report as of December 14, 2021 includes an update to the Hourly and Substitute Salary Schedule and is presented to the Governing Board for approval. It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/HR and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented.


Ashley Hines has been offered a PE Specialist position (.375 FTE) at Daves Avenue Elementary effective December 13, 2021.

Recommended Motion:
It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/HR and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact at this time.
Hourly and Substitute Pay Rate 21_22
E.5. Attendance Calendar 2022-2023
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Corrections have been made to the Attendance Calendar for the 2022-23 school year. It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/HR and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented.
Recommended Motion:
It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/Human Resources and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the revised attendance calendar for the 2022-23 school year as presented.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact at this time.
School Attendance Calendar 2022-2023
E.6. Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) Applicant Summary and Appointments
Quick Summary / Abstract:

A recommendation for Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) membership is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the recommendation as presented.


The FAC is a Board appointed committee and is a working group operating under the direction of the Board of Trustees. The notice soliciting applicants for the RJ Fisher and Lexington Parent Representative positions was posted in the November 17th Fisher Flyer and Lexington Link, respectively.

Board Liaisons to the FAC, Daniel Snyder and John Kuntzmann, conducted interviews on December 7th and are providing the below nomination.  

The Daves Avenue HSC and LGUCEA have been notified of their representation vacancies.

Nominee(s) and resignation(s) are outlined below.  Final approval of the FAC nominees is to be granted at the December 14, 2021 Board meeting.

The summary of the FAC nominees and the group they represent is as follows:

Nominee(s) Rep Position  
Michael Roberts RJ Fisher Parent Rep  
Resignation Rep Position
John Curtis Lexington Parent Rep  

Current Vacancy

Lexington Parent Rep, Daves HSC, LGUCEA 

Recommended Motion:

It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the recommendation as presented.

FAC Nomination 121421
E.7. Quarterly Investment Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Quarterly Investment Report as of September 30, 2021 is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board accept the Quarterly Investment Report as presented.


The California Department of Education recommends that school districts provide regular reports on how surplus funds are invested. Currently, the Los Gatos Union School District funds are on deposit with the County of Santa Clara and are included in the County Investment Portfolio. The Los Gatos Union School District Portfolio reflects cash balances as of September 30, 2021 in the amount of  $20,405,035

Recommended Motion:

It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board accept the Quarterly Investment Report as of September 30, 2021 as presented.

Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact at this time.
September 21 District Cash Disposition
September 21 Quarterly Investment report
F.1. Certification of Election Results - November 2, 2021 Special Election
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Certificate of Election Results and Official Final Results for the November 2, 2021 Special Election are presented to the Governing Board for action.


A Special Election was held in the County of Santa Clara, in the Los Gatos Union School District, on November 2, 2021 for the purpose of submitting the following measure to the voters:

"To retain highly qualified teachers, maintain and protect core academic programs, and improve programs in science, technology, engineering, arts, music and math for elementary and middle school students; shall the Los Gatos Union School District measure renewing funding at the current $290 rate and adding $45 per parcel be adopted, providing $3.2 million annually for eight years that cannot be taken by the State, with senior exemptions, annual adjustments, independent oversight and no funds for administrator salaries?"

The official canvass of the returns of the election was conducted by the Office of the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California.

Recommended Motion:

The Statement of Votes and Certificate of Election Results are presented to the Governing Board for action. Pursuant to Elections Code Section 15400, the Governing Board should accept the Statement of Votes and Certificate of Election Results, and declare the totals to be the final results of the election.

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact at this time.

November 2, 2021 Certifcate of Election Results 121421
Official Election Results Summary 121421
F.2. Appointment of Financial Advisory Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (FAPTOC) to Oversee Expenditures of Measure B Funds
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board shall appoint the Financial Advisory Parcel Tax Oversight Committee to oversee expenditures of the newly passed Measure B funds. This is an action item.

A Special Election was held in the County of Santa Clara, in the Los Gatos Union School District, on November 2, 2021 to pass a parcel tax renewal measure, Measure B. Measure B language promised voters  independent oversight of the funds.

The LGUSD Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) has a Financial Advisory Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (FAPTOC), which has been overseeing existing parcel tax expenditures. The Governing Board will appoint the same existing committee to oversee expenditures of the newly passed parcel tax measure, Measure B, to ensure the promise to voters is met.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board appoint the Financial Advisory Parcel Tax Oversight Committee to oversee Measure B expenditures.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact at this time.
F.3. Annual and Five Year Developer Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2020-21
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Chief Business Official, Terese McNamee will present to the Governing Board the Annual and Five Year Developer Fee Report for 2020-21, which includes certain findings for developer fees collected from residential and commercial projects, for approval and action.


Once the District adopts a resolution to levy a school fee on either residential or commercial development, it is required to make an Annual and Five Year Report on certain findings pursuant to Government Code Sections 66001 and 66006. This report is to be made available to the public, upon request, 180 days from the close of the fiscal year. The Board is to adopt the report at a public meeting.

The findings report must include the following:

• the amount of the fees collected;
• the beginning and ending balances of the developer fee account, and the interest earned;
• details on which projects the fees that were collected were spent on, including the percentage of the project actually funded by the fees;
• any incomplete projects with estimated dates for commencement of construction; and any inter-fund loans, including amount and date of repayment.

The collected developer fees are being spent according to prescribed guidelines, specifically within five years from collection.

For FY 2020-21, the District collected $4,014,706 in revenue at a rate of $3.48 per square foot for residential and $.56 per square foot for commercial. The District had  $1,974,163 in expenses for technology improvements including infrastructure upgrades and technology equipment for hybrid learning.  Developer fees funded 88% of the technology project.  The ending balance for FY 20-21 was $3,033,086.  We anticipate using the balance for solar/battery backup and improving outdoor classroom space.  

Recommended Motion:

It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the annual and five year developer fee report as presented.

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact at this time.

Developer fee report 2021
F.4. Los Gatos Union School District First Interim Budget Report for the 2021-22 School Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Chief Business Official, Terese McNamee will present the Los Gatos Union School District First Interim Budget Report for the 2021-22 School Year to the Governing Board as required by Education Code before its submission to the California Department of Education. This is an action item.


The District is required to submit two reports to the Governing Board during each fiscal year. The first report (First Interim) shall cover the financial and budgetary status of the district for the period ending October 31, 2021. The second report (Second Interim) shall cover the period ending January 31, 2022. The District shall certify in writing within 45 days after the close of the period being reported whether or not the District is able to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year and, based on current forecasts, the subsequent two fiscal years.

A positive certification is assigned if the district will be able to meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and subsequent two fiscal years. A qualified certification will be assigned to any district that may not meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year or two subsequent fiscal years. A negative certification will be assigned to any district that will be unable to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year or the subsequent fiscal year per Education Code Section 42131.

The Los Gatos Union School District will submit a First Interim Report to the Santa Clara County Office of Education with a positive certification.

Recommended Motion:

It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the Los Gatos Union School District First Interim Budget Report for the 2021-2022 School Year as presented.

Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact at this time.
1st Interim Presentation
21-22 SACS 1st interim
F.5. Phase 1 & 2 Landscaping Plan to Approve Outdoor Classrooms and Specialty Landscaping Areas (Playing Fields will not be discussed at this meeting and will be agendized for the Spring of 2022.)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Blossom Hill, Dave's Avenue and Van Meter schools will present their recommended schematic designs and capital budget for the outdoor classroom improvements and specialty landscaping areas for approval by the Board.  The schematic designs represent the collective work of staff, community members and the landscape architect to meet the site priorities.  
Recommended Motion:
The Board approve the schematic designs and budget as presented.
Financial Impact:
The proposed budget for Phase 1 (Outdoor Classroom Corridors ) is $1,875,000 and Phase 2 (Site Priorities) of the improvement plan is $1,000,000.
Landscaping Presentation
F.6. Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Spotlight
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Rhonda Beasley, will present an update to the Governing Board. This is for informational purposes only. No action will be taken.


The school closures in the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years have impacted students academic, behavior, and social-emotional well-being. LGUSD is focusing on student-centered learning to support academic, behavior, and social emotional wellness for each student.  This update to the board will share how a student centered learning framework is being implemented across the district.

Recommended Motion:
This is for informational purposed only. No action will be taken.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact at this time. 
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Snapshot - December 2021
F.7. Educator Effectiveness Grant Approval
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Rhonda Beasley will present a plan for an Educator Effectiveness Plan for the Los Gatos Union School District to the Governing Board for approval and action.

On November 18th,  the Board heard a presentation on the Educator Effectiveness Plan for the Los Gatos Union School District. School districts are receiving funding for professional learning for the period of 2021-22 through the school year 2025-26. As a condition of funding, school districts are required to submit a plan for expenditures to be approved by the Board of Education prior to December 30, 2021. 
Recommended Motion:
Board approval is requested for the Los Gatos Union School District Educator Effectiveness Grant Plan.
Financial Impact:

The Los Gatos Union School District will receive $563,582 in Educator Effectiveness Grant funds to be expended through the 2025-26 school year. 


In October 2021, school districts were notified of the Educator Effectiveness Block Grant allocation. This funding is designated for professional learning for teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and classified staff in order to promote educator equity, quality, and effectiveness. The following are focus areas for the grant:

(1) Coaching and mentoring of staff serving in an instructional setting and beginning teacher or administrator induction, including, but not limited to, coaching and mentoring solutions that address a local need for teachers that can serve all pupil populations with a focus on retaining teachers, and offering structured feedback and coaching systems organized around social-emotional learning, including, but not limited to, promoting teacher self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships, and responsible decision-making skills, improving teacher attitudes and beliefs about one’s self and others, and supporting learning communities for educators to engage in a meaningful classroom teaching experience. 

(2) Programs that lead to effective, standards-aligned instruction and improve instruction in literacy across all subject areas, including English language arts, history-social science, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.

(3) Practices and strategies that reengage pupils and lead to accelerated learning.

(4) Strategies to implement social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, suicide prevention, access to mental health services, and other approaches that improve pupil well-being.

(5) Practices to create a positive school climate, including, but not limited to, restorative justice, training around implicit bias, providing positive behavioral supports, multitiered systems of support, transforming a school site’s culture to one that values diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and preventing discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation based on actual or perceived characteristics, including disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, language, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. 

(6) Strategies to improve inclusive practices, including, but not limited to, universal design for learning, best practices for early identification, and development of individualized education programs for individuals with exceptional needs.

(7) Instruction and education to support implementing effective language acquisition programs for English learners, which may include integrated language development within and across content areas, and building and strengthening capacity to increase bilingual and biliterate proficiency. 

(8) New professional learning networks for educators not already engaged in an education-related professional learning network to support the requirements of subdivision (c).

(9) Instruction, education, and strategies to incorporate ethnic studies curricula adopted pursuant to Section 51226.7 into pupil instruction for grades 7 to 12, inclusive. 

(10) Instruction, education, and strategies for certificated and classified educators in early childhood education, or childhood development.

Educator Effectiveness Grant Plan Board Presentation
Los Gatos Union School District E.E. Grant Plan
F.8. PUBLIC HEARING - Ratification of Negotiated Agreement Between LGUSD and LGUCEA for 2021-22 School Year
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The public hearing is an opportunity for the public to provide input to the Governing Board regarding the ratification of the negotiated agreement between the Los Gatos Union School District and the Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association.

Notice of Public Hearing Ratification LGUCEA 121421
F.9. LGUCEA/LGUSD 2021-2022 Contract Approval
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Assistant Superintendent Sarah Tellez will present an agreement that has been reached by the District and Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) for 2021-2022 to the Governing Board for approval and action.


The agreement settles and closes negotiations for the 2021-22 school year.  The summary of the changes to the contract are attached to this item.

Recommended Motion:

An agreement has been reached by the District and Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) for 2021-2022 and is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action.

LGUCEA Comprehensive Settlement Agreement
G.1. Board Comments and Subcommittee Reports
G.2. Future Board Meetings
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  • Regular Board Meeting - January 13, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Special Board Meeting (Retreat) - January 20, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
  • Regular Board Meeting - February 17, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (at R.J. Fisher)
  • Regular Board Meeting - March 10, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (at Daves Avenue)
  • Regular Board Meeting - April 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (at Blossom Hill)
  • Regular Board Meeting - May 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Regular Board Meeting - June 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Special Board Meeting - June 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.

Published: December 11, 2021, 2:45 PM

The resubmit was successful.