Regular Board Meeting Los Gatos Un. ESD February 15, 2022 3:00PM 3:00 Closed Session District Office 17010 Roberts Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 and 4:00 Regular Session R.J. Fisher Middle School - Multipurpose Room 19195 Fisher Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032
This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Governing Board on any Closed Session item described in this notice. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the published agenda, there shall be no action taken. The Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda.
An R.J. Fisher Middle School student will lead the flag salute. |
Principal Mary Lonhart will showcase unique programs at R.J. Fisher Middle School. |
This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Governing Board on any item described in this notice or any other issue. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the published agenda, there shall be no action taken. The Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda.
This is the opportunity for community partners listed below to provide an update to the Governing Board regarding their respective organization. In accordance with the Brown Act, the Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda. • Home & School Club - Blossom Hill Elementary School • Home & School Club - Daves Avenue Elementary School • Home & School Club - Lexington Elementary School • Home & School Club - Louise Van Meter Elementary School • Home & School Club - R.J. Fisher Middle School • Los Gatos Elementary Teachers Association • Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association • Los Gatos Education Foundation |
Information concerning the consent items listed below has been forwarded to each Board member prior to the meeting for study. All items on the consent agenda will be approved with one motion which is not debatable and which requires unanimous vote for passage. If any member of the Board, the Superintendent, or the public so requests, an item shall be removed from the section and placed on the regular order of business following the approval of the consent agenda. |
The minutes for the Regular Board meeting, January 11, 2022 and Special Board Meeting, January 27, 2022 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the minutes as presented.
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the minutes as presented.
There is no financial impact at this time. |
Minutes 011122 021522 Minutes 012722 021522
The warrant register for the month of January 2022 is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the warrant register for the payment of invoices for goods and services as presented. |
It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the warrant register for the payment of invoices for goods and services as presented. |
There is no financial impact at this time.
January 2022 AP Warrant Register
The service contracts as of February 15, 2022 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the service contracts for the payment of services as presented. |
The service contracts as of February 15, 2022 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the service contracts for the payment of services as presented. |
Financial impact is outlined by each contract.
February Service Contracts
The personnel report as of February 15, 2022 includes an updated job description for the IT Systems Administrator and is presented to the Governing Board for approval. It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/HR and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented.
Stephan Joanides, 5th Grade Teacher (1.0 FTE) at Blossom Hill Elementary has requested an unpaid leave of absence for the 2022-2023 school year.
CERTIFICATED RESIGNATION Brandyn Nelson (LOA 1.0 FTE) has resigned her position effective June 2, 2022.
CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT Tiffany Borgia has been offered an Administrative Assistant I position (.80 FTE) at R.J. Fisher Middle School effective January 18, 2022. Ashley Hines has been offered a PE Specialist position (.3750 FTE) at Daves Avenue Elementary School effective January 4, 2022.
CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT (NOON DUTY SUPERVISOR) Chelsea Quinet - Louise Van Meter Elementary (.125 FTE) effective February 7, 2022. |
It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/HR and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented.
There is no financial impact at this time.
JD Information Technology Systems Administrator
The Williams Complaints Quarterly Report as of December 31, 2021 is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented.
According to the settlement of the Williams case, school districts are required to report quarterly to their governing boards any complaints they have received with regard to textbooks and instructional materials, teacher vacancy or misassignment, or facilities conditions, as required by Education Code 35186. Between October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 there were no complaints received by the District. These quarterly reports will be filed with the Santa Clara County Office of Education.
It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the Quarterly Report on the Williams Uniform Complaints.
There is no financial impact at this time.
Second Williams Quarterly Report 21/22
The School Accountability Report Cards for 2020-2021 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the School Accountability Report Cards for 2020-2021 school year as presented. |
Pursuant to Education Code Section 35256, state law requires all public schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a School Accountability Report Card (SARC). The purpose of the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. Attached are the following:
2020-21 Blossom Hill SARC 2020-21 Daves Avenue SARC 2020-21 Lexington SARC 2020-21 Van Meter SARC 2020-21 RJFisher SARC |
It is the recommendation of the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the School Accountability Report Cards for 2020-21 as presented. |
There is no financial impact at this time. |
2020-21 SARC Blossom Hill ES 2020-21 SARC Daves Avenue ES 2020-21 SARC Lexington ES 2020-21 SARC Raymond J. Fisher MS 2020-21 SARC Van Meter ES
Director of Student Services, Misty Hartung, will give a brief update on Strategic Plan Initiative 1: Student Wellness. The presentation will include SEL check in survey data, SEL mid-year information, additional highlights from the strategic plan efforts, and share appreciations for health supports. In addition, Ms. Hartung and Superintendent Paul Johnson will share updates on California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Santa Clara County Public Health (SCCPH) orders, as well as an LGUSD COVID Update. |
This is an information only item. |
Student Services and Covid Updates
Educational Services and Technology Services will present an update on the preliminary investigation into student assessment and data management systems. |
Educational Services and Technology Services are looking for a system that will allow staff to assess and monitor student progress and growth. |
This is for informational purposes only. No action will be taken. |
There is no financial impact at this time. |
Curriculum Snapshot - Data Management Systems
A mid-year update of our 2020-21 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is presented to the Governing Board. This is for informational purposes only. No action will be taken. |
California’s 2021–22 Budget Act, the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and other state and federal relief acts have provided local educational agencies (LEAs) with additional funding to support students, teachers, staff, and their communities in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and to address the impacts of distance learning on students. In the attached update, you will find a one-time mid-year report related to engagement on, and implementation of these Acts. |
This is for informational purposes only. No action will be taken. |
2021-22 LCAP mid-year report 2022 Supplement to the Annual Update for the 2021-22 LCAP Mid-year LCAP update presentation
The public hearing is held for the purpose of taking testimony from the public regarding the Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals from the Los Gatos Elementary Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) to the Los Gatos Union School District (LGUSD) and LGUSD to LGUCEA for the 2022-2023 school year. |
Notice of Public Hearing LGUCEA Collective Bargaining 021522
The Assistant Superintended of Educational Services/HR will present the initial collective bargaining proposal from the Los Gatos Elementary Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) and the Los Gatos Union School District (LGUSD) to the Governing Board for approval. |
This is the initial proposal between the Los Gatos Union School District (LGUSD) and the Los Gatos Elementary Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) for the 2022-23 negotiation cycle. During the 2022-23 negotiation cycle, as required by the contract, LGUSD and LGUCEA will open and negotiate Article 10: Wages, and Article 11: Health and Welfare Benefits. The contract also provides for two additional articles to be opened by either side. LGUSD will open Article 3: Hours of Employment. LGUCEA has indicated that they would like to open Article 6: Evaluation and Article 9: Leave of Absence. We look forward to working together to maintain the strong relationship between the District and the Association during the upcoming negotiations. |
It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services/HR and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the initial proposal for the 2022-23 contract year. |
There is no financial impact at this time. |
LGUCEA Sunshine
Stephen Roatch, Certified Public Accountant at Stephen Roatch Accountancy Corporation, will present the Los Gatos Union School District Financial Audit Report for 2020-2021 to the Governing Board as required by Education Code for discussion and action. |
Education Code 41020.3 provides that by “January 31 of each year, the governing body of each local education agency shall review at a public meeting the annual audit of the local education agency of the prior year, any audit exceptions identified in that audit, the recommendations or findings of any management letter issued by the auditor, and any description of correction or plans to correct any exceptions or management letter issue.”
The Los Gatos Union School District Financial Audit Report for 2020-21 is presented to the Governing Board as required by Education Code for discussion and action. |
There is no financial impact at this time.
FY20-21 LGUSD Financial Audit
The Chief Business Officer, Terese McNamee, will present outdoor classroom specifications and status update. This is for discussion purposes only and no action will be taken at this meeting.
In December 2021, the Governing Board approved Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the landscaping upgrades. This includes the following Outdoor Classroom space at Blossom Hill, Daves Avenue and Van Meter Blossom Hill Entries Daves Avenue Kindergarten playground Van Meter Life Lab and Adaptive playground & Blacktop upgrades. The Landscape Architect and Chief Business Official will present materials and specifications for these improvements as well as a draft schedule and next steps.
This is for discussion purposes only. No action will be taken.
The Board previously approved the budget for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the landscaping project for a total of $2,875,000. There is no financial impact of this discussion item beyond the approved budget.
Board Presentation
Resolution #05-21-22, Conflict of Interest Code, is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the resolution as presented. |
The Political Reform Act, Government Code 87300-87313, require each public agency in California to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code. A regulation adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission, 2 CCR 18730, provides that incorporation by reference of the terms of that regulation, along with the agency-specific appendix designating positions and disclosure categories shall constitute the adoption and amendment of a Conflict of Interest Code in conformance with Government Code 87300 and 87306.
Los Gatos Union School District recently reviewed its positions, and the duties of each position, and determined that changes to the current Conflict of Interest Code were necessary. Specifically, there are the following position changes:
Deleted Position |
Rationale |
Food Service Supervisor |
Replace with new position |
Newly Added Position |
Rationale |
Director of Child Nutrition |
New position |
Manager Fiscal Services |
New Position |
Manager IT Systems |
New Position |
Attached is Resolution #05-21-22, Conflict of Interest Code and the Appendix of Designated Employees and Disclosure Categories. After Board Adoption, the documents will be sent to the County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors for their approval. They are the code reviewing body per Government Code section 87303. Once the Board of Supervisors approves the Los Gatos Union School District Conflict of Interest Code, it will go into effect. |
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the resolution as presented. |
There is no financial impact at this time. |
LGUSD Resolution 052122 Conflict of Interest Code 021522
Chief Business Official Terese McNamee will present a first reading of Board Policy 3470: Debt Issuance and Management for discussion. The additions to the board policy and any modifications will return to the Governing Board at the subsequent meeting for adoption. |
Although the District has an existing Board Policy regarding Debt Issuance and Management of General Obligation Bonds, there are new reporting requirements needed to be added to the Boards' policies to ensure compliance with the current regulations. Effective January 1, 2017 the Report of Proposed Bond Issuance requires certification that the issuer has adopted a local policy regarding the use of debt and that the proposed debt issuance is consistent with the policy. The local debt issuance policy must include the following five items: 1) The purposes for which the debt proceeds may be used. 2) The types of debt that may be issued. 3) The debt's relationship to and integration with the issuer's capital improvement program or budget, if applicable. 4) Policy goals related to the issuer's planning goals and objectives. 5) The internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented or will implement to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use. The District is adding board policy 3470: Debt Issuance and Management, as shown in the attached policy in order to include all of the requirements listed above. |
A first reading of board policy 3470 is presented to the Governing Board for discussion. The additions to the board policy and any modifications will return to the Board at the subsequent meeting for adoption.
There is no financial impact to this change.
BP 3470 Debt Issuance and Management
- Regular Board Meeting - March 10, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (at Daves Avenue)
- Regular Board Meeting - April 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (at Blossom Hill)
- Regular Board Meeting - May 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
- Regular Board Meeting - June 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
- Special Board Meeting - June 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Published: February 12, 2022, 2:13 PM