Regular Board Meeting Los Gatos Un. ESD March 10, 2022 3:00PM Daves Avenue Elementary School
Multipurpose Room
17770 Daves Avenue
Monte Sereno, CA 95030
This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Governing Board on any Closed Session item described in this notice. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the published agenda, there shall be no action taken. The Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda.
Principal Jenna Mittleman will showcase program offerings at Daves Avenue Elementary School. |
This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Governing Board on any item described in this notice or any other issue. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the published agenda, there shall be no action taken. The Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda.
This is the opportunity for community partners listed below to provide an update to the Governing Board regarding their respective organization. In accordance with the Brown Act, the Board may: 1) acknowledge receipt of the information, 2) refer to staff for further study, 3) ask clarifying questions, or 4) refer the matter to the next Board meeting agenda. • Home & School Club - Blossom Hill Elementary School • Home & School Club - Daves Avenue Elementary School • Home & School Club - Lexington Elementary School • Home & School Club - Louise Van Meter Elementary School • Home & School Club - R.J. Fisher Middle School • Los Gatos Elementary Teachers Association • Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association • Los Gatos Education Foundation |
- General update, including recent California Department of Public Health (CDPH) COVID guidelines.
Information concerning the consent items listed below has been forwarded to each Board member prior to the meeting for study. All items on the consent agenda will be approved with one motion which is not debatable and which requires unanimous vote for passage. If any member of the Board, the Superintendent, or the public so requests, an item shall be removed from the section and placed on the regular order of business following the approval of the consent agenda. |
The minutes for the Regular Board meeting, February 15, 2022 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the minutes as presented.
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the minutes as presented.
There is no financial impact at this time. |
Minutes 021522 031022
The warrant register for the month of February 2022 is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the warrant register for the payment of invoices for goods and services as presented. |
It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the warrant register for the payment of invoices for goods and services as presented. |
There is no financial impact at this time.
February AP Warrant Register
The service contracts as of 3/10/22 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the service contracts for the payment of services as presented. |
The service contracts as of 3/10/22 are presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the service contracts for the payment of services as presented. |
Financial impact is outlined by each contract.
March Service Contracts
The personnel report as of March 10, 2022 contains Job Descriptions for Instructional Assistant General, TOSA - STEAM, and TOSA PBL and is presented to the Governing Board for approval. It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/HR and the Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented.
CERTIFICATED RESIGNATION William Butler, English Teacher at R.J. Fisher Middle School, has submitted his resignation effective June 2, 2022.
Taruna Khanna, Science Teacher at R.J. Fisher Middle School, has submitted her resignation effective June 2, 2022.
CERTIFICATED RETIREMENT Peggy Garland, 3rd Grade Teacher (1.0 FTE) at Louise Van Meter, has submitted her retirement effective June 2, 2022. CLASSIFIED RELEASE Germaine Talesfore-Gulan was released from her probationary Instructional Assistant I position effective March 4, 2022.
CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT Claudia Cruz Fermin has been offered an IT Systems Analyst position (1.0 FTE) at the District Office effective March 1, 2022. |
It is the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services/HR and Superintendent that the Governing Board approve the report as presented. |
There is no financial impact at this time.
JD Instructional Assistant General Teacher On Special Assignment PBL Teacher On Special Assignment STEAM
The Quarterly Investment Report as of December 2021 is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board accept the Quarterly Investment Report as presented. |
The California Department of Education recommends that school districts provide regular reports on how surplus funds are invested. Currently, the Los Gatos Union School District funds are on deposit with the County of Santa Clara and are included in the County Investment Portfolio. The Los Gatos Union School District Portfolio reflects cash balances as of December 31, 2021 in the amount of $23,793,827 |
It is the recommendation of the Chief Business Official and the Superintendent that the Governing Board accept the Quarterly Investment Report as of December 31, 2021 as presented. |
There is no financial impact at this time.
December 2021 District Cash Disposition December 2021 Quarterly Investment report
Rhonda Beasley, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, will share an update to the board. |
Rhonda Beasley will present the Literably window 2 data for grades TK-5, as well as an update on the proposed changes for transitional kindergarten. |
This is for informational purposes only. No action will be taken. |
There is no financial impact. |
C&I Spotlight- March 2022
Chief Business Official, Terese McNamee will present the Los Gatos Union School District Second Interim Budget Report for the 2021-22 School Year to the Governing Board as required by Education Code before its submission to the California Department of Education. This is an action item. |
The District is required to submit two reports to the Governing Board during each fiscal year. The first report (First Interim) shall cover the financial and budgetary status of the district for the period ending October 31, 2021. The second report (Second Interim) shall cover the period ending January 31, 2022. The District shall certify in writing within 45 days after the close of the period being reported whether or not the District is able to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year and, based on current forecasts, the subsequent two fiscal years.
A positive certification is assigned if the district will be able to meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and subsequent two fiscal years. A qualified certification will be assigned to any district that may not meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year or two subsequent fiscal years. A negative certification will be assigned to any district that will be unable to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year or the subsequent fiscal year per Education Code Section 42131. The Los Gatos Union School District will submit a Second Interim Report to the Santa Clara County Office of Education with a positive certification. |
There is no financial impact at this time.
21-22 SACS 2nd interim Second Interim Budget Presentation
Chief Business Official Terese McNamee will present a second reading of Board Policy 3470: Debt Issuance and Management for adoption.
Although the District has an existing Board Policy regarding Debt Issuance and Management of General Obligation Bonds, there are new reporting requirements needed to be added to the Boards' policies to ensure compliance with the current regulations. Effective January 1, 2017 the Report of Proposed Bond Issuance requires certification that the issuer has adopted a local policy regarding the use of debt and that the proposed debt issuance is consistent with the policy. The local debt issuance policy must include the following five items: 1) The purposes for which the debt proceeds may be used. 2) The types of debt that may be issued. 3) The debt's relationship to and integration with the issuer's capital improvement program or budget, if applicable. 4) Policy goals related to the issuer's planning goals and objectives. 5) The internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented or will implement to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use. The District is adding board policy 3470: Debt Issuance and Management, as shown in the attached policy in order to include all of the requirements listed above.
The recommendation is that the Board approve the Debt Issuance and Management Policy BP: 3470,
There is no financial impact at this time.
BP 3470 Debt Issuance and Management
The District’s municipal advisor, Government Financial Strategies, will present information on the refinancing plan. The Board will be asked to consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the issuance of up to $24 million of 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds to refinance a portion of the outstanding Prior Bonds (provided that a minimum net present value savings of 3% of total amount of the bonds being refunded is achieved) and approving drafts of the associated bond documents. This is an action item.
District voters approved the issuance of $91 million of general obligation bonds at an election held in 2001 and an additional $30.9 million of general obligation bonds at an election held in 2010, all payable from the levy of an ad valorem tax against the taxable property within the District. The District currently has seven series of bonds outstanding as a result of these elections. Based upon on evaluation of current market conditions, the following three series of bonds can be refinanced to generate savings for District taxpayers: General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2001, Series 2001A, which were subsequently refinanced with proceeds from the 2010 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Election of 2010 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A (Tax-Exempt), and General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2010, Series 2012 (collectively, the “Prior Bonds”).
The Chief Business Official recommends the Board of Trustees adopt the Resolution authorizing issuance of the 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds.
There is no anticipated impact to the General Fund. The refinancing will reduce debt service payments on the prior bonds and generate savings for the District Taxpayers.
Bond Documents Memo Bond Purchase Agreement Bond Refinancing Presenation Bond Resolution Escrow and Deposit Agreement 2010 and 2011 Bonds Escrow and Deposit Agreement 2012 Bonds Paying Agent Agreement Preliminary Statement
The public hearing is an opportunity for the public to provide input to the Governing Board regarding the ratification of the negotiated agreement between the Los Gatos Union School District and the Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association and between the Los Gatos Union School District and Confidential Employees. |
The financial Impact is discussed under the Disclosure of Public Bargaining. This includes salary, statutory benefits, pension contributions and medical benefits.
Notice of Public Hearing Ratification LGUCEA 031022
Assistant Superintendent Sarah Tellez will present a contract agreement that has been reached by the District and Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) for 2022-2023 to the Governing Board for approval and action. Attached to this agenda item are the Comprehensive Settlement Summary, Revised Salary Schedules and Financial Disclosure Form for the Classified Bargaining Agreement. |
The agreement settles and closes negotiations for the 2022-23 school year. The tentative agreement is attached to this item including the amended salary schedules. The District and the Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) reached an agreement in the area of compensation as follows:
- Professional Growth Increments shall be increased by 5% effective July 1, 2022
Increase of 5% on the salary schedule and Professional Growth Increments for the 2023-24 school year. Increase of 5% on the salary schedule and Professional Growth Increments for the 2024-25 school year.
In the area of Health and Welfare Benefits, an agreement has been reached as follows: Increase of 5% on the amount the District shall pay towards health care and medical premiums for Employee Only; Employee + 1; Employee + Family effective January 1, 2023 Increase of 5% on the amount the District shall pay towards health care and medical premiums for Employee Only; Employee + 1; Employee + Family effective January 1, 2024 Increase of 5% on the amount the District shall pay towards health care and medical premiums for Employee Only; Employee + 1; Employee + Family effective January 1, 2025
An agreement has been reached by the District and Los Gatos Union Classified Employees Association (LGUCEA) for 2022-2023 and is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. |
The financial impact for salary, statutory benefits and medical benefits is $104,946 for FY21-22 and $349,351 for FY22-23 and $391,021 for FY 23-24 and $431,461 for FY24-25.Based on the projected budget for this year and the subsequent two years the District is able to meet its financial obligations.
Classified 23-24 Classified 24-25 Classified Salary Schedule 3 1 22 Classified Salary Schedule 7 1 22 Comprehensive Settlement Agreement Disclosure of Public Bargaining Agreement
Assistant Superintendent Sarah Tellez will present an agreement that has been reached by the District and Confidential employees for 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 to the Governing Board for approval and action. |
The District reached an agreement in the area of compensation for 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years. - Professional Growth Increments shall be increased by 5% effective July 1, 2022
Increase of 5% on the salary schedule and Professional Growth Increments for the 2023-24 school year. Increase of 5% on the salary schedule and Professional Growth Increments for the 2024-25 school year.
In the area of Health and Welfare Benefits, an agreement has been reached as follows: Increase of 5% on the amount the District shall pay towards health care and medical premiums for Employee Only; Employee + 1; Employee + Family effective January 1, 2023 Increase of 5% on the amount the District shall pay towards health care and medical premiums for Employee Only; Employee + 1; Employee + Family effective January 1, 2024 Increase of 5% on the amount the District shall pay towards health care and medical premiums for Employee Only; Employee + 1; Employee + Family effective January 1, 2025
An agreement has been reached by the District and Confidential employees for the 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years. It is presented to the Governing Board for approval and action. |
The financial impact for salary, statutory benefits and medical benefits is $7,681 for FY21-22 and $23,550 for FY22-23 and $24,728 for FY 23-24 and $25,964 for FY24-25.Based on the projected budget for this year and the subsequent two years the District is able to meet its financial obligations.
Confidential 2022-23 Effective 3.22 Confidential 2022-23 Effective 7.22 Confidential 2023-24 Confidential 2024-25
- Regular Board Meeting - April 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (at Blossom Hill)
- Regular Board Meeting - May 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
- Regular Board Meeting - June 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
- Special Board Meeting - June 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Published: March 7, 2022, 2:58 PM