
La Cañada USD
August 11, 2020 6:00PM
Governing Board members and Cabinet will be attending the meeting via Zoom. The Board Meeting will be livestreamed via Youtube here:

1. CALL TO ORDER at 4:00 p.m.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, changes have been made to the Brown Act by the Governor (Governor’s Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 – Brown Act Requirements)

Public comments on non-agendized and agendized items can be submitted on Tuesday beginning at 3:30 pm via the following link:  

Please note, the public comment link is not live until Tuesday at 3:30pm.  All comments will be read by a moderator during the meeting.

3. CLOSED SESSION at 4:00 p.m.
Closed Session Agenda
6.a. Minutes of March 13, 2020
Minutes of March 13, 2020
6.b. Minutes of March 20, 2020
Minutes of March 20, 2020
7.a. Superintendent's Report
7.b. President's Report
7.c. Associate Superintendent of Business & Administrative Services' Report
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, changes have been made to the Brown Act by the Governor (Governor’s Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 – Brown Act Requirements)

Public comments on non-agendized and agendized items can be submitted on Tuesday beginning at 3:30 pm via the following link:  

Please note, the public comment link is not live until Tuesday at 3:30pm.  All comments will be read by a moderator during the meeting.


10.a. Resolution 2-20-21: Temporary Inter-Fund Cash Borrowing (2020-21)


Under current state law (Education Code 42603) the Governing Board of a school district may direct that moneys held in any fund be temporarily transferred to another fund of the district for payment of obligations under the following restrictions:

  • No more than 75 percent of the maximum of moneys held in any fund during a current fiscal year may be transferred.
  • The transfer shall not be available for appropriation or be considered income to the borrowing fund.
  • Borrowing shall occur only when the fund receiving the money will earn sufficient income, during the current fiscal year, to repay the amount transferred.
  • Amounts transferred shall be repaid either in the same fiscal year or in the following fiscal year if the transfer takes place within the final 120 calendar days of a fiscal year.

Current Considerations

On June 9, 2020, the Governing Board adopted Resolution 18-19-20 Temporary InterFund Cash Borrowing with the above restrictions. 

Since adoption of the resolution, the restrictions were modified due to implemented cash deferrals to reflect an increase of the maximum percentage that can be transferred from any fund from 75 percent to 85 percent.  Resolution 2-20-21 reflects this change. 

Financial Implications

Currently, there are no fiscal implications associated with approval of Resolution 2-20-21.  Additionally, no interfund borrowing would take place prior to specific Governing Board authorization.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 2-20-21 providing for the temporary borrowing of cash between various District funds should that be needed to address any short-term/temporary cash-flow needs.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Governing Board is requested to adopt Resolution 2-20-21 providing for the temporary borrowing of cash between various District funds should that be needed to address any short-term/temporary cash-flow needs.

Public Hearing Notice
12. FIRST READING ITEMS [Asterisk (*) denotes action may be taken on the first reading.]
12.a. Presentation of LCUSD DEI Strengths and Needs Assessment and LCUSD DEI 2020 Recommendations for Sustainability, by Christina Hale-Elliott, R20-20-21


Ms. Christina Hale-Elliott is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Consultant for LCUSD.  Over the past year, she has conducted an LCUSD DEI Strengths and Needs Assessment report.  As an outgrowth of her Strengths and Needs Assessment findings, she has also created Recommendations for Sustainability for the District in relation to its DEI initiative and commitment.


Ms. Christina Hale-Elliott is present tonight to present to the Governing Board and LCUSD Community on the DEI Strengths and Needs Assessment report and the Recommendations for Sustainability for LCUSD with regards to DEI.  Both reports will serve to guide the District in developing the action plans for its continued work to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout LCUSD.


There are no financial implications associated with the Governing Board’s review and discussion of Ms. Hale-Elliott’s presentation of the DEI Strengths and Needs Assessment and 2020 Recommendations for Sustainability.  Future financial considerations may be incurred via costs associated with action plan items as an outgrowth of the DEI 2020 Recommendations for Sustainability.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board view the presentation by Ms. Hale-Elliott and engage in discussion regarding both the LCUSD DEI Strengths and Needs Assessment and DEI 2020 Recommendations for Sustainability reports.  It is also recommended that the LCUSD Governing Board provide direction to staff regarding next steps and anticipated deliverables related to LCUSD’s DEI initiative.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to view the presentation by Ms. Hale-Elliott and engage in discussion regarding both the LCUSD DEI Strengths and Needs Assessment and DEI 2020 Recommendations for Sustainability reports.  It is also recommended that the LCUSD Governing Board provide direction to staff regarding next steps and anticipated deliverables related to LCUSD’s DEI initiative.
DEI 2020 Recommendations for Sustanability
Strengths & Needs Assessment
12.b. Superintendent Update on LCUSD’s Planning for the 2020-2021 School Year, R21-20-21


At an emergency meeting of the LCUSD Governing Board on Thursday, March 12, 2020, the Board voted to enact district-wide school facility closures effective on Friday, March 13, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to exercise its Local Educational Agency responsibility to ensure the health and safety of its students, staff, and families by engaging exigent measures to flatten the coronavirus infection curve.  Subsequently, at meetings of the LCUSD Governing Board, staff prepared presentations to update the LCUSD Community regarding its actions and services in response to the COVID-19 related school facility closures and distance learning throughout the district.

Over the summer of 2020, LCUSD’s Leadership Team along with the Elementary and Secondary Reopening Review Committees engaged in comprehensive planning for the reopening of  campuses for the 2020-2021 school year.  On July 17, 2020 Governor Newsom ordered that school districts in counties on the monitoring list for COVID-19 open virtually.  As such, District planning since the Governor’s announcement focused on ensuring an exceptional distance learning/instruction opening, while ensuring all plans are in place to allow the district to welcome students back on campus in a hybrid fashion once health conditions allow.

Current Considerations

The District is fully staffed to begin the new school year.  Modified bell schedules have been adopted to maximize the effectiveness of distance instruction and learning as well as enhance health and safety protocols.  The District and its labor associations, LCTA and CSEA, have collaboratively bargained the effects of initial working conditions related to the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.  The Elementary and Secondary Reopening Committees continue to meet and provide invaluable guidance to district staff in planning for the 2020-2021 school year.  LCUSD’s Special Education and English Language Development Departments have been effectively working with their families to ensure an effective start to the school year for their students.  The Technology and Educational Services Departments have worked extensively with staff on professional development training opportunities and on reorganizing instructional delivery during distance learning.  This agenda item will provide a broad overview of all of the plans in place to open the 2020-2021 school year on August 17, 2020.

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications directly associated with this presentation and discussion item.  However, expenditures for reopening virtually and eventually in a hybrid model during the pandemic, specifically those associated with staffing, facilities’ preparations, and the purchase of personal protective equipment are on-going and are in addition to those typically associated with the planning for a new school year.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board review the presentation by the Superintendent and engage in discussion of this topic, providing on-going direction to staff related to this agenda item.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to review the presentation by the Superintendent and engage in discussion of this topic, providing on-going direction to staff related to this agenda item.
12.c. *Approval of Board Policy 0470: COVID-19 Mitigation Plan, R19-20-21


It is important to continually review and update the district’s board policies in order to stay on top of changing state requirements and/or district needs.

Current Considerations

As part of this continual review, the district has the following policy for the Board’s consideration:            

       BP 0470      COVID-19 Mitigation Plan

This policy reflects current law and educational best practices.                        

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications associated with this recommended Board Policy.


It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the recommended Board
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the recommended Board Policy.   


Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Governing Board is requested to adopt the recommended Board Policy.


12.d. *2020-2021 Consolidated Application, R17-20-21Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting


The Consolidated Application is the mechanism by which California school districts apply for federal funding. The application is submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) on-line through a web-based Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS). 


La Cañada Unified School District will apply for the following federal programs:

Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs) A federal program that supports effective, evidence-based educational strategies to close the achievement gap and enable students to meet the state of CA’s challenging academic standards.

Title II, Part A (Teacher Quality) A federal program that increases student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality.

Title III (Limited English Proficient Students) Federal program that provides supplementary programs and services to eligible limited English proficient (LEP), also known as English Learners (EL). These funds assist students yo learn English and achieve grade-level state and graduation standards.

The other reporting elements included in the 2020-2021 Consolidated Application are the identification of participating private schools as allowed by the federal guidelines; homeless education policy requirements and implementation; and protected prayer certification. 


During the 2019-20, the Consolidated Application generated approximately $65,000 for La Cañada Unified School District. We anticipate similar revenues for the 2020-2021 school year. 
Recommended Motion:
The Governing Board is requested to approve La Cañada Unified School District to apply for the funding covered in the 2020-2021 Consolidated Application as submitted though CARS.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve La Cañada Unified School District to apply for the funding covered in the 2020-2021 Consolidated Application as submitted though CARS.
12.e. *45-Day Budget Revision, R16-20-21


The June budget adoption is considered a “place holder” budget because by necessity it is primarily based on estimates and assumptions versus actual data.  The adopted budget was built off of the May Revise, and by the time of adoption, the budget for 2020–2021 was significantly different. The 2020-2021 final State Budget reflects additional revenues for school districts and the COVID-19 pandemic has created additional expenditures.

Late in June significant changes occurred in the State Budget. State revenues were not reduced as anticipated in the May Revise, and the LCFF funds were greater than originally budgeted by the District. Additionally, funds from the CARES Act were added to the revenues, and these have been offset by increases in expenditures related to anticipated costs incurred from COVID-19. 

Current Considerations

The presentation will reflect the increase in revenues and the new expenditures, mostly incurred from COVID-19 expenses. The budget adjustments will be sent to the County Office of Education to update our adopted budget so it reflects the most current status of revenues and expenditures. Due to the extensive differences in the adopted budget versus the May Revise, it is best to present this 45-Day Budget Revision rather than waiting until the First Interim in December.

Budgetary Overview

The next budget report will be on September 8, 2020. This will be the unaudited actuals for the 2019-2020 budget year. As we close the books, we will determine total expenditures and revenues for that budget year. At that time, we will update the multi-year outlook to reflect the additional revenues and expenditures.

As we complete the closing for 2019-2020, we will make end of year transfers.

The budget recommendation for the Governing Board includes a cash transfer of $150,000 from the Special Reserve Capital Outlay Fund (40.0) to the Cafeteria Fund (13.0) in the 2019-2020 budget year. This is to offset expenses beyond revenues due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the budget adjustments to reflect the updated 45-Day Budget Revision and the cash transfers as stated on the cover sheet.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve the budget adjustments to reflect the updated 45-Day Budget Revision and the cash transfers as stated on the cover sheet.
R16-20-21 Budget Adjustment Summary
12.f. *Resolution 2-20-21: Temporary Inter-Fund Cash Borrowing (2020-21)


Under current state law (Education Code 42603) the Governing Board of a school district may direct that moneys held in any fund be temporarily transferred to another fund of the district for payment of obligations under the following restrictions:

  • No more than 75 percent of the maximum of moneys held in any fund during a current fiscal year may be transferred.
  • The transfer shall not be available for appropriation or be considered income to the borrowing fund.
  • Borrowing shall occur only when the fund receiving the money will earn sufficient income, during the current fiscal year, to repay the amount transferred.
  • Amounts transferred shall be repaid either in the same fiscal year or in the following fiscal year if the transfer takes place within the final 120 calendar days of a fiscal year.

Current Considerations

On June 9, 2020, the Governing Board adopted Resolution 18-19-20 Temporary InterFund Cash Borrowing with the above restrictions. 

Since adoption of the resolution, the restrictions were modified due to implemented cash deferrals to reflect an increase of the maximum percentage that can be transferred from any fund from 75 percent to 85 percent.  Resolution 2-20-21 reflects this change. 

Financial Implications

Currently, there are no fiscal implications associated with approval of Resolution 2-20-21.  Additionally, no interfund borrowing would take place prior to specific Governing Board authorization.

Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 2-20-21 providing for the temporary borrowing of cash between various District funds should that be needed to address any short-term/temporary cash-flow needs.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Governing Board is requested to adopt Resolution 2-20-21 providing for the temporary borrowing of cash between various District funds should that be needed to address any short-term/temporary cash-flow needs.

Resolution 2-20-21
13.a. Personnel Report, P2-20-21
Recommended Motion:

It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Personnel Report as presented.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve the Personnel Report as presented.
Personnel Report 8-11-20 revised
13.b. Notice of Completion, R13-20-21

The specified contracts and bid divisions included in the Notice of Completion have been fulfilled and all punch list items have been completed as of the date referenced.  All work under these contracts was completed in conformance with the Facilities Master Plan.













Paradise Canyon Elementary

Brightview Landscaping Services


Landscaping Improvement

June 30, 2020

Paradise Canyon Elementary

Chalmers Construction Services, Inc.


Installation of Fire Line and Fire Hydrant

May 31, 2020

Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the work completed as listed in the Notice of Completion and the issuance of all final payments
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The Governing Board is requested to approve the work completed as listed in the Notice of Completion and the issuance of all final payments

R13-20-21 Brightview
R13-20-21 Chalmers
13.c. Approve Lease Amendment with The Learning Castle, R22-20-21


The District currently leases approximately 28,617 square feet of classroom and support space to The Learning Castle at the Foothill Intermediate School.  This lease amendment will provide two weeks of rent relief during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Current Considerations

The COVID – 19 pandemic has created considerable financial stressors on businesses. The year ahead will impact our tenants further. The current leases provide mutual benefit for the District and the lease holders. This amendment to the lease is intended to support tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic while also sustaining the lease agreements going into the future. 

Financial Implications

The amendment will reduce the rent by $32,766 for the year ahead.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the lease amendment with The Learning Castle at the Foothill Intermediate School.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve the lease amendment with The Learning Castle at the Foothill Intermediate School.
13.d. Approve Lease Amendment with Child Education Center, Caltech/JPL Community – Oak Grove Site, R23-20-21


The District currently leases approximately 16,803 square feet of classroom and support space to the Child Education Center, Caltech/JPL Community (CEC) at the Oak Grove site. This lease amendment will provide two weeks of rent relief during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Current Considerations

The COVID – 19 pandemic has created considerable financial stressors on businesses. The year ahead will impact our tenants further. The current leases provide mutual benefit for the District and the lease holders. This amendment to the lease is intended to support tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic while also sustaining the lease agreements going into the future. 

Financial Implications

The amendment will reduce the rent by $22,348 for the year ahead. Inflation factors exist for future year’s monthly rent.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the lease amendment with the Child Education Center –Oak Grove site.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve the lease amendment with the Child Education Center –Oak Grove site.
13.e. Approve Lease Amendment with Crestview Preparatory, R24-20-21


The District currently leases approximately 13,605 square feet of classroom and support space to Crestview Preparatory at the Oak Grove site. This lease amendment will provide two weeks of rent relief during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Current Considerations

The COVID – 19 pandemic has created considerable financial stressors on businesses. The year ahead will impact our tenants further. The current leases provide mutual benefit for the District and the lease holders. This amendment to the lease is intended to support tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic while also sustaining the lease agreements going into the future. 

Financial Implications

The amendment will reduce the rent by $18,095 for the year ahead.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the lease amendment with Crestview Preparatory at the Oak Grove site.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve the lease amendment with Crestview Preparatory at the Oak Grove site.
13.f. Approve Lease Amendment with Child Education Center, Caltech/JPL Community – Site Based Programs, R25-20-21


The District currently leases approximately 7,505 square feet of classroom and support space to the Child Education Center, Caltech/JPL Community (CEC) across the three elementary school sites. This lease amendment will provide two weeks of rent relief during the 2020-2021 fiscal year. The amendment will also eliminate rent payments in the event the District closes elementary school sites for more than two weeks and does not permit CEC to use the sites for their programs.

Current Considerations

The COVID – 19 pandemic has created considerable financial stressors on businesses. The year ahead will impact our tenants further. The current leases provide mutual benefit for the District and the lease holders. This amendment to the lease is intended to support tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic while also sustaining the lease agreements going into the future. 

Financial Implications

The amendment will reduce the rent by $9,982 for the year ahead. Inflation factors exist for future year’s monthly rent. Further revenue reductions may occur if the District restricts CEC from operating during a school closure.
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the lease amendment with the Child Education Center – Site Based Programs.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve the lease amendment with the Child Education Center – Site Based Programs.
13.g. Gifts to District, R12-20-21
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to accept the Gifts to District as presented.
13.h. Purchase Order List 2-20-21
Recommended Motion:
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Purchase Order List 2-20-21 as presented.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board is requested to approve Purchase Order list 2-20-21.
Purchase Order List 2-20-21

Published: August 7, 2020, 1:59 PM

The resubmit was successful.